Work with UrbanistAI

We provide a variety of specialized services designed to enhance urban planning processes and engage communities.

 Our offers range from platform subscription to comprehensive workshops, expert-assisted sessions and advanced AI customization and immersive 3D modeling. Whether you’re looking to build your team’s skills, require personalized support for workshops, or need tailored AI solutions for specific urban scenarios, UrbanistAI has the tools and expertise to meet your needs.

Subscription + capacity building session

Enhance your urban planning capabilities with our comprehensive package that includes a platform subscription and a bootcamp session. This offer is designed to equip you with the skills needed to conduct effective workshops using UrbanistAI.

Masterclass on Generative AI:

Gain in-depth knowledge about using AI models for urban design and concept development.

Methodology and Strategies:

Learn our proven methodology and best practices for leading participatory planning workshop

Hands-On Exercises:

Engage in practical exercises tailored to your projects, enhancing your technical skills with UrbanistAI

Assisted workshop

This option includes all the features of the Capacity Building Workshop, plus additional expert support

Co-Design Workshop Assistance:

Our team collaborates with you to prepare and deliver a co-design workshop, involving the community and local leaders.

Comprehensive Support:

We assist in planning the case and methodology, train your moderators, and provide support during your workshop to ensure its success.

AI customization services

This option includes all the features of the Capacity Building Workshop, plus additional expert support:

Co-Design Workshop Assistance:

Our team collaborates with you to prepare and deliver a co-design workshop, involving the community and local leaders.

Comprehensive Support:

We assist in planning the case and methodology, train your moderators, and provide support during your workshop to ensure its success.

3D-Based generative AI models

Experience urban designs in a more immersive way with our 3D models:

Real-Time Navigation:

Interact with design scenarios in real-time, understanding the depth, height, and breadth of each element.


Interactive exhibitions

Bring UrbanistAI to life in public spaces or showrooms:

Dynamic Installation:

Set up UrbanistAI in locations where people can actively engage in transforming urban spaces.

Tailored Interactive Experiences:

Our team can design interactive experiences that resonate with your community, encouraging continuous creativity and imagination.