
Empowering Voices in Urban Design:

At UrbanistAI, we are driven by the transformative potential of Generative AI in urban design and planning. Our core mission is to democratize these processes, empowering residents and non-experts to move from mere commentators to active co-designers. By using the universal language of images, we aim to deepen public participation, enabling a more inclusive and democratic approach to urban development

Our Mission

Our Values:
Inclusivity, Understanding, and Innovation

Deepening Understanding Through Visual Dialogue

UrbanistAI breaks down the traditional barriers of expert jargon in urban planning, architecture, and real-estate development. By facilitating a common visual language, we enable effective communication between people, designers, and policymakers, fostering a deeper understanding of community needs.

UrbanistAI champions inclusivity and social equity in urban design. We empower diverse communities, including marginalized groups, to have a voice in shaping their cities. This approach not only builds stronger community ties but also ensures equitable development, reflecting the collective needs and values of all residents.

Recognizing the invaluable local insights residents possess, we believe in leveraging this knowledge for more sustainable and contextually relevant urban strategies.

Democratic processes naturally breed innovation. UrbanistAI taps into the collective intelligence and creativity of communities, revealing novel ideas and solutions for urban challenges.

Our vision is to create urban spaces that are not only functional and aesthetically pleasing but also deeply rooted in the needs and dreams of their inhabitants. We are committed to redefining urban planning as a collaborative, inclusive, and innovative journey, where every voice has the power to shape the future of our cities.​


Liza Gazeeva – CoFounder


Damiano Cerrone – CoFounder


Luca Stornaiulo – CoFounder


Sampo Ruoppila – Urban policy lead


UrbanistAI tool was created through a collaboration between SPIN Unit and Toretei, bringing together advanced AI development and urban planning expertise. 

Our partnership aims to revolutionize the planning process, enhance efficiency, and develop innovative solutions tailored to modern urban challenges by combining research and experience in the urban planning sector with the innovations in Generative AI technology.